The cloud has become synonymous with ease of doing an information technology based business. Even companies that deal in traditional services and products are increasingly moving their online tasks to the cloud so that their internal resources are freed up. For core technical firms, the cloud has provided complete server solutions so that their services are never in the danger of being interrupted.
The reasons for the cloud becoming so widespread are many. Among the chief of these is its versatility, meaning that there is absolutely no limit on the ways the cloud can be used to cater to the demands of both clients and firms. If you are uncertain about the exact meaning of the term ‘cloud hosting’, read on!
The cloud is basically a network of interconnected computing hardware which can be accessed, modified and leveraged to provide all the functions of a dedicated network, but with the added advantage of not being dependent on a single server. This is crucial, because traffic and demand can vary by vast amounts depending on a host of factors. When the scenario of peak demand comes around, cloud hosting steps up the contribution of its connected hardware to make sure that there is minimum latency faced by the users of the services hosted on the cloud.
This variability of system requirements makes cloud hosting a must have for established businesses as well as startups. When you think about it, the investment in setting up extra hardware that only comes in use during peak demand, and lies idle for most of the time, does not make economic sense. That is why ComputeHost makes allowances for the differences between off-peak and peak times, thereby reducing costs for the client without compromising on the quality of the services delivered.
ComputeHost – It Is Totally Worth It!
By handing control of the cloud services to its clients, ComputeHost lets them decide on the quantum of resources that fulfil their current requirements. Clients have a dedicated back-end panel to increase or decrease RAM, data storage and internet bandwidth (among other specifications, colloquially called specs) so that their customers do not experience lags or outages, even when the load on the client’s systems is at peak value. When the load drops, the client can reduce the resources they are using, hence cutting their costs and turning more of the revenues into profit – and isn’t that the whole point of business?
The customizability of the plans offered by ComputeHost has been developed to cater to even the highest demands on clients’ systems with ease, and at the other end, of reducing costs to a few bucks an hour when demand is at its lowest. The Tier III data center infrastructure makes allowances for both ends of the demand spectrum, coupled with a pay as you go model that keeps costs minimal. There are fail safes built into the system so that your data remains secure and available in every situation.
ComputeHost makes efficient, dependable and cheap cloud hosting. In today’s fast moving world, when you scale up your services as you grow, ComputeHost aims to remain your trusted cloud hosting service provider by offering plans that suit your real time needs.