Accessibility in our digital lives has reached its zenith with usage of cloud. Be it, private cloud in an corporate environment or individual usage of Dropbox, Google Apps and Office 365, cloud has made our lives lighter and hassle-free for sure. We carry light appliance type PCs or tablets and are still never without our "Stuff". The CRM solutions and accounting packages have reached the cloud and application providers utilize cloud IaaS to deliver applications on your mobile devices.

Gradually cloud is beginning to impact a large portion of our work life and the way we communicate. On an average 200 million emails are being sent in a minute these days courtesy cloud. All leading tools including VOIP, ERP, etc. are hosted --hundreds of miles away from where they are used - in a cloud environment.

Cloud not only serves businesses but also plays a crucial role in our personal computing habits. Social networks including Facebook and Twitter are accessed in the cloud. Our lifestyle management tools for diet, entertainment and health along with our favorite games reside in cloud servers. The popularity and usage of cloud is such that even our music is now powered by cloud applications for example Pandora, iTune Radio and Spotify.

It has helped organizations to revive their IT infrastructure by improving website uptime, scalability, redundant network which helps avoiding any kind of service degradation and has grown their profits by many folds through earning more customer loyalty and winning new consumers.

Cloud as a means of computing has caught the eye of so many, from tech savvy customers to enterprise CIOs. It is not a new innovation, rather a discovery or just a big disruption to our communication process. With many service providers proffering a wide range of services in the form of IaaS, PaaS and SaaS, businesses wisely need to choose the best fitment for their services.