An appropriate hosting plan is the most essential aspect of a successful online venture. A high performance website can boost online presence of your online enterprise and also ensure greater customer engagement for higher conversion rates. The type of hosting essentially depends on business needs and budgets.
Superior features with economy
Although, many startups may think of shared hosting as an entry level hosting, one must look at the limitations of shared hosting in terms of security and speed. It is observed that websites can suffer downtime due to malware or DDOS attacks in a shared environment. Your website may not get affected directly but may suffer due to noisy neighbors.
In view of this, let us understand benefits of VPS hosting for online business. The most obvious advantage of VPS hosting is the economy of multi-tenant environment. Since multiple virtual private servers are built by compartmentalization of a single physical server, the overall expenses of VPS are much less and can be comparable with shared hosting.
A virtual private server is a blend of shared and dedicated server. It is also a smart combination of traditional hosting and advanced virtualization technology. Clients can derive outstanding benefits of dedicated server without paying a premium.
Vital attributes of VPS for online ventures
Since thousands of virtual private servers reside in a single server, the hosting company passes the benefits of resource sharing down to the clients by offering a highly affordable VPS hosting solution.
Following are some of the distinct advantages of VPS hosting for online businesses
• Ability to grow swiftly
• Seamless website performance even during traffic spikes
• Easy scalability of RAM and CPU resources
• Highly secure and confidential environment
• Ability of multiple sites hosting
With a VPS hosting, users can experience unmatched website performance that is only possible with help of a standalone dedicated server. Virtual private servers offer stability and security, and assured availability of server resources. Quality of website performance and enhanced page loading speeds are directly [proportional to users’ browsing experience.
A virtual private server is similar to dedicated server in many ways. It offers performance that is comparable with a dedicated server and also the same security features of dedicated hosting. In terms of server controls, clients of virtual private servers are allowed complete root access just like dedicated servers.
You can ensure greater security of your mission critical data with VPS hosting, since the host can extend higher level of security o protect sensitive data of your clients by customizing security configurations to match your needs.
Greater security and control
VPS users are granted use of web based control panel for greater controls. The flexibility of choosing an operating system of your choice also enhances freedom of a hosting environment.
Higher conversion rates can be achieved due to faster page loads in a VPS environment. These can also have direct bearing on higher search engine ranking. In short, VPS hosting can offer multiple advantages for augmenting business.
With VPS hosting, users can expect greater reliability of sustained website visibility. This is a vital factor for ecommerce websites. Minimum downtime associated with faster page loads can certainly elevate business prospects.
There are multiple advantages of VPS hosting for businesses that have expansion plans or are going through a phase of rapid growth. VPS allows instant scaling of resources to keep pace with business growth. This is the reason many entrepreneurs depend on a virtual private hosting for flawless website performance.
Virtual private servers are also referred to as virtualized dedicated servers due to the outstanding features of these servers. Users are able to enjoy utmost security that is far better than shared hosting. Virtual server behaves as a dedicated server with ability to choose operating systems such as Windows or Linux operating system.
It is natural and logical for businesses to think of VPS hosting after they have outgrown their shared hosting resources. However the new trend of using VPS hosting as a starting point of hosting is fast catching up.
This is because modern entrepreneurs not want to compromise with controls and security aspects of their business websites. Security of hosting environment is of vital significance for commercial websites. VPS is also useful and affordable if you need to have a backup server.
VPS can prove to be a perfect hosting solution for business websites that need to run complex commercial applications and need a highly secure and scalable environment to handle substantial traffic.