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Cloud Storage Service Level Agreement (Cloud Storage SLA)

A Cloud Storage Service Level Agreement (Cloud Storage SLA) is a service-level contract between a customer and a cloud storage service provider, which includes service details in quantifiable terms. These services, which are usually similar for all clients, are availability, redundancy, uptime, and other service delivery assurances along with compensations that are provided in cases of violation or compliance failures. The contract would include precise levels of service and detailed information about the service provider\'s storage infrastructure (operations, fault-tolerance claims, and maintenance), maximum provisioned storage capacity, backup, Information Security, service availability, data governance policies, and programmatic R/W operations. Cloud storage service providers usually offer a tiered service credit plan to their clients. In this plan, users are given credits on the basis of discrepancies between the Cloud Storage SLA specifications and the actual service levels delivered. The need for this type of contract is critical. This is because storage is delivered from a remote location, which entails potential risks related to data loss, security, and privacy. The agreement ensures that the provider put efforts in to maintain the agreed-upon service levels and is liable to reimburse the client, whether monetarily or via services, in the event of realization of these risks.