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Jamroom Hosting

Jamroom is the open source Content Management system for building online communities. Jamroom is presented as a software solution for creating custom online forums and to support the building of any community that has members with the common interest such as food, music, sports, or any other desired topic. The CMS application provides a wide array of templates and since it is based on CSS, its appearance can be edited without any hassles.

Jamroom enables the creation of mobile-friendly sites or sites that can be compatible with any other device. Users can avail their customizable profile while using Jamroom hosting. Performance of Jamroom hosting can be empowered by using dedicated server hosting. Jamroom requires Linux operating system with PHP version 5.3 as the minimum. Ideally, it should be supported with PHP version 7.0 and above.

Jamroom is highly sought after open source CMS with 200 proprietary modules such as video or audio streaming in addition to all tools that facilitate the building of network as desired. You can use Jamroom Premium to access Jamroom's developer tools, built-in site-builder, and template editor among others. One of the most compelling features of Jamroom is its responsive design. It also offers support of a caching system to boost the performance of your site.

To know more about Jamroom Hosting, feel free to call us @ 1800 212 2022 or Mail Us @