computehost Vps Hosting
computehost Dedicate Hosting

Managed Dedicated Server

Managed dedicated server is a service offered by the web hosting provider where they take complete responsibility for the monitoring and managing of the server. A few features of managed dedicated server include.

The managed servers are housed in their own data centers that are in compliance with all the safety standards. The data center is highly secured with security guards manning the plant 24/7. They offer hardware of the highest quality from reputed manufacturers. The customers are assured of uninterrupted power supply. The providers offer strong SLAs that commit of maximum network connectivity and uptime. Customers get root access and can customize the server.

The host provides proactive management of the servers. Their technical experts are constantly monitoring the server round the clock to keep a close watch on the quality of hardware. They keep a watch on the performance of the server and look for issues and nip them at the root stage so that there are no obstacles in the future.

They provide other services like operating system updates, software upgrades, server rebooting and firewalls etc. Their support team is available to the clients throughout the lease period. Although the hosts charge for their services, it frees the clients from the need of utilizing their technical experts from the server related issues.