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Network Socket

Network socket is defined as an endpoint in the communication flow in between two programs, working on the network. Generally, sockets are made and utilized with "function calls" or programming requests a few times known as sockets API - Application Programming Interface. One of the most commonly used sockets API is Berkeley UNIX C interface. These can be utilized for communication in between processes in same computer.

It is a sequences of the sockets requests via server application in the internet context. In this, server manages a lot of clients requests only maintains a connection with immediate request.

(wait for a sendto request from some client)
(process the sendto request)
sendto (in reply to the request from the client...for example, send an HTML file)

However, the corresponding client sockets requests' sequence will be -


The network sockets can be utilized for 'connection-focused' transactions with C language system functions' sequence.

SSL or Secure Sockets Layer is basically computer networking protocol, which manages client authentication, encrypted communication and server authentication in between clients and servers.

Most of the URLs as well as their connections are utilized in order to access web; however sometimes programs need simple communication link in between server side and client of program. The role will be linked to the socket that will tie the client program as well as server sides.

When the client makes communication with server by querying database, client connection and trustworthy server is established through TCP communication channel. In such communication, server and client could write or read on the sockets that are tied to certain communication channel.

Majorly, sockets are categorized in two types, namely active and passive. The active sockets are associated with remote active sockets via open data connection. In case the connection is locked, active sockets at every end point is finished. However, passive sockets are not linked, despite they wait for incoming connection, which will spread new active socket.

Although there exists good relationship in between port and socket, the network socket is not at all port. Each port might have single passive socket that is waiting for active sockets and incoming connections. Each one respective to the open connection in port.